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TOP > Ethereal Pixie Rings Of Mercy: OpenDyslexic Edition【電子書籍】[ Rob J Meijer ]

Ethereal Pixie Rings Of Mercy: OpenDyslexic Edition【電子書籍】[ Rob J Meijer ]

<p>When hyper-intelligent mathematician David is forced to confront his own mortality, his coveted manuscript on the ‘Proof of absence paradox’ threatens to die with him. Desperate to salvage his life’s work, he realizes that his exceptional mentee and prot?g?, Naila, could hold the key to the salvation of his manuscript and theoremーbut their strained relationship may not allow for that.</p> <p>Consumed by doubt and plunged into a bewildering darkness, David is offered a glimpse into a vast interconnectedness, the likes of which outstretch his human comprehension and challenge his theorem. As nature, faith and science intertwine, David gains insights which transport him far beyond his original manuscript.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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